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Publications on the city – river – community relationships organized within the Cyted RUN network are available here.

Urban Rivers in Ibero-America: Rios Urbanos na Ibero-América: Casos, Contextos e Experiências | Ríos Urbanos en Iberoamérica: Casos, Contextos y Experiencias

The first collective publication of the RUN Project provides an outline of the recent research on the regeneration of natural hydrology, interpretation of urban-riverain territory, strategies and programs that contribute to the co-creation and co-management of urban spaces and river landscapes.

This volume offers reflections and perspectives on naturalised urban rivers from the Ibero-American view. The richness and diversity of studies bring new lessons about methodologies, tools, and stakeholder engagement. They also address the role of local and national agents in establishing a process of urban sustainability, valuing urban rivers, reducing risks, social participation, and territorial education. It includes original Spanish and Portuguese texts, each with an extended executive summary.

Smaniotto Costa, C., Menezes, M., Pallares-Barbera, M., Pastor, G., Rocha, E. do P. & Villalba Condori, K. O. (Eds.) (2023). Rios Urbanos na Ibero-América: Casos, Contextos e Experiências / Ríos Urbanos en Iberoamérica: Casos, Contextos y Experiencias. Cultura & Território, Vol. 6. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófona. 459 pags.

ISBN 978-989-757-239-5 | ISSN 2184-8009


For a complete directory of chapters, please refer to the list of contents provided here.

This publication is based upon work from the RUN Project | Citizen science and co-creation in the regeneration of urban rivers and risk mitigation | supported by the CYTED Programa Iberoamericano de Ciência e Tecnologia para el Desarrollo, under grant agreement nº 420RT0008.